Providing you with information
and choice to fit your

individual needs

Funding options

Unfortunately we are not able to bulk bill our services, however there are a number of funding arrangements and fee help options that are available. Please phone our friendly reception staff to discuss the best option for your personal circumstances.

NDIS Team Care Approved

Medicare, DVA, Worker’s Comp & Victims Services Accredited

Fees and funding options

The recommended fee for a standard 45 – 60 minute psychological consultation is $246. However, we believe that financial circumstances should not be a barrier to receiving psychological and counselling support.

  • Initial Consultation: $220
  • Subsequent Consultations: $200

A Medicare rebate of $96.65 per session may apply if you hold a current GP referral. Under the Better Access to Mental Health Care program, eligible people are entitled to up to 10 individual session rebates per calendar year.

A referral is required to receive the first 6 rebates. After this, your referring GP will assess your progress to determine whether the remaining sessions are required.

We also offer reduced fee options for concession and health care card holders. Please call our reception to discuss the best option for you.

We offer a range of diagnostic assessments using various tools including:

Cognitive Assessments

  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC)
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)

Developmental Assessments

  • Griffith Mental Developmental Scales (GMDS)
  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS)

Autism Spectrum Disorder & Behavioural Assessments

  • Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R)
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
  • Parent & Teacher rating scales (Child Behaviour Checklist and Teacher Report Form)
  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS)

To find out more about our assessment availability and pricing please call or email our reception.

Frequently asked questions

You do not need a referral to come and see us, simply call or email our reception and we can book you in as a private client.

If you have a GP referral, you may be eligible to receive Medicare rebates for your appointments. You can discuss the option of obtaining a Mental Health Care Plan, Chronic Disease Management Plan or Enhanced Primary Care Plan directly with your GP. Alternatively, feel free to call or email our reception to discuss further.

Please arrive 10 minutes before your initial appointment to allow plenty of time to find us (we have parking facilities out the back) and to complete the required paperwork prior to your appointment.

Please bring along any previous reports or documentation (from school or other health practitioners) that you think may contribute to the assessment process.

Wavelengths requires 48 hours notice if you need to reschedule/cancel an appointment; all appointments cancelled or postponed within 48 hours of their scheduled start time will be billed a cancellation fee (varies between different practitioners).

Please note that Medicare rebates cannot be claimed for missed appointments.

We take Debit / Credit card or Cash payments for all practitioners.

Psychology, Dietitian services, and group / workshops are available under NDIS.

We have parking facilities located behind our offices. Simply follow the signs at the driveway.

Still not sure?

Contact our friendly reception staff who will be able to provide detailed information to suit your individual circumstances.